The Marijuana Chronicles Launch Contest

Here’s your chance to win this original illustration by Jonathan Santlofer from THE MARIJUANA CHRONICLES! Here’s all you have to do: 1. Buy the book. 2. Take a picture of yourself with the book (make it fun!). 3. Send us that picture one of three ways: a. Tweet the photo using the hashtag  #weedtales b. Post the photo on my Facebook Page: c. or Submit the image to 4. Deadline: August 31st. Extended to October 31st. 5. Names will be placed in a hat and drawn at random. *Like they used to say on television: Family members are not eligible!

I’m Back! The Marijuana Chronicles, Inherit the Dead and more…

I’m back. Not that I was ever away, not from my life that is. (Though I sometimes dream of escaping, buying some secluded island like Marlon Brando did, but would I have to ruin my career and gain 200 pounds? First, I’d have to get a career like Brando’s, then make enough money to buy an island, two things that are highly unlikely, so… never mind.). What I meant was that I was away from my website, but now that it’s been rebuilt I’m going to stay current and I hope you’ll follow me. I’ll be updating my activities as a writer and artist, things I believe you will find interesting as opposed to what I’m having for breakfast or my afternoon snack (though you can ask if you really want to know). So, this past year, where to start? Maybe with the books I recently put together. The first, for Akashic Books, “The Marijuana … Read more